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LCD Display

For connecting a generic LCD display.

You have to assign the pins to this display component.

And the size of the display in rows and columns

Next, define what to show in Screens.

Property Description
Disabled To disable or enable this block.
Name The name of this block.
Rows Number of rows
Columns Number of columns
E E: Enable
RS Register Select; 0 = command, 1 = data
DB0 DB0~DB3: Display data signal; lower byte in 8-bit mode
DB1 DB0~DB3: Display data signal; lower byte in 8-bit mode
DB2 DB0~DB3: Display data signal; lower byte in 8-bit mode
DB3 DB0~DB3: Display data signal; lower byte in 8-bit mode
Comment To optionally enter a comment. It does not impact the generated firmware.